Saturday, 28 October 2017

Know More about the Laser Resurfacing Treatment at Advance Laser Clinic

Advance Laser Clinic is a one-stop-shop for treatments using laser. In fact, the quality as well as the affordability of the treatments offered here have drawn the attention of many a number of customers. They offer specialized laser treatments to treat problems like under eye wrinkles, fine lines, active acne, and many more.

For treating wrinkles under the eyes, the technicians make use of laser resurfacing. This involves the intervention of a laser beam which tears up the epidermis and brings about the production of new collagen in the next layer of the skin. This procedure is normally carried out on an out-patient basis and is suitable for treating minor kind of damage to the topmost layer of the skin. Further, immediately after this procedure, there are chances of the skin getting a pinkish hue and also becoming sensitive for a temporary period. However, with proper aftercare, your skin would appear more youthful and healthy.

The process of laser resurfacing is also known in different names like lasabrasion, laser vaporization, or laser peel. There are two kinds of lasers which are commonly used in this process like Erbium and Carbon dioxide (CO2). Theselasers vaporize the damaged skin cells at the surface level.

Among these, CO2 laser resurfacing is an age-old method used to treat different skin issues like wrinkles, warts, scars, etc. The recent version of this method makes use of short pulses of laser energy or a continuous stream of light which is delivered in a scanning pattern so as to remove the thin layer of skin causing minimal damage from heat. In this method, the recovery time is normally two weeks. In the second method called Erbium laser resurfacing, the surface level and the moderate deep lines and wrinkles on areas like face, neck, hands, etc. are removed. One of the major benefits of this procedure is the minimal amount of burning of the surrounding tissue. This method in fact, causes only lesser side effects like swelling, redness, bruising, etc.

To sum it up, Advance Laser Clinic offer the state-of-the-art technologies with respect to treatments involving laser. For this reason, there is a long list of customers who seek the services of this firm.

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